Filling simulation for aluminium die-casting moulds


The filling simulation allows to run tests on the die-casting processes in a complete and virtual way, and especially at the beginning of the development of the project. Not only it optimizes and improve the design of the mold, but it generates advantages in the foundry as well, by enhancing the production and reducing scraps.

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Stampi pressofusione simulazione colata

Thanks to our long-year experience with the software ProCast, the filling simulation is part and parcel of the design process in Pialorsi Stampi.

We also have the possibility to offer a third-party service.


Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

The first step provides for the analysis of the thickness and massive zones in order to individualize the major criticalities of the part.

A first-level Simulation is run: this is a first simulation of the real part, without overflows or casting gate.

Based on the problems that emerge from the first simulation, we run other alternative tests to optimize the filling.

Once the best filling of the part is identified, the gas evacuation system is design, through the placement of overflows and vents.

It is now run the second-level Simulation: this is a simulation of the complete die-casted part, with casting gate and vent system.

If necessary, the process is simulated more than once until we get to the optimization of the part.

Finally, there is the possibility to do another step, that is the third-level Simulation, with which we can simulate the dies or the sliders with their cooling systems.

This phase can be eventually completed with a third-level advanced Simulation: it studies the thermal cycle on the die of the mould to identify the areas that can be subject to thermal fatigue.

When the whole cycle of the simulation is done, we share it with the client and in case discussed for the approval.